Scar Removal
Anytime that the skin has had been broken or trauma cause been caused to it from an accident, surgery or piercing, it will almost always leave a scar. There are 3 types of scarring:
Atrophic- Indentations in the skin, sunken in holes to the skin from an injury, surgery, acne or chicken pox. The size and shape of an Atrophic scar doesn’t change.
Hypertrophic- Commonly raised on the skin. Usually results from burns, acne, piercings, cuts, surgical scars. Usually overtime the scars become smaller and less noticeable.
Keloid- Keloids are a type of raised scar. They occur where the skin has healed after an injury. They can grow much larger than the original injury that caused the scar. Keloid scars are an over production of the skin tissue regenerating new skin to heal an area that had trauma. Anything that can cause a scar can cause a keloid. This includes being burned, cut, or having severe acne. Keloids can also develop after you get ta body piercing or tattoo, or have surgery. They sometimes show up 3 months or more after your skin is injured. Some continue to grow for years.
Depending on the type of scarring, will depending on the treatment plan for each client. We will assess each client and consider your skin type, characteristics of your scar and your overall health to determine which treatment plan will be best for you.
Laser treatment cannot get rid of a scar they can
· Prevent a raised scar from forming after surgery
· Reduce scar pain and itch
· Increase your range of motion if a scar limits movement
Laser treatments can also make a scar less noticeable. But it cannot get rod of a scar. When you perform any treatment to a scar it is replacing one scar with another less- noticeable scar.
You should expect to meet with your medical consultant to discuss medical history, how you got the scar and how long has it been there as well as many factors around the scar. Once you have started your treatments you should expect to take several treatments to resurface the skin. Don’t forget that each layer of skin broken will take time to get deep into the tissue for the skin to push out the old scar with new skin. Patience is a virtue when it comes to scars. It can take several months to achieve the desired results.
Contact us.
(647) 967-3233
33 Beverly Hills Drive
Toronto, ON M3L 1A2